Abnormal increase in weight and girth of the body due to accumulation of excess quantity of fat is called obesity. Obesity is diagnosed when your body mass index (BMI) is 30 or higher. Your body mass index is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms (kg) by your height in meters (m) squared. In the era of urbanisation, obesity has emerged as a serious health issue in both developed and developing nations and it is recognised as a serious public health issue of the 21st century. The prevalence of Obesity worldwide has dramatically increased during the last two decades. Obesity significantly affects the quality of life and life expectancy. It is recognized as a leading preventable cause of death world over.Obesity invites several complications like hypertension, type 2 Diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, infertility, fatty liver and osteoarthritis. The mainstay of treatment is lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise besides many Ayurvedic therapies and herbal treatments.
Ayurvedic classics described obesity as Sthoulya or Medoroga. It is SantarpanothaVikara. i.e the disease caused by over nourishment and person suffering from obesity is included in the category of Ashtau nindit purusha (eight body types of persons susceptible to diseases and health problems). In Ayurveda, a person is considered obese when there is an excessive increase in fat and muscle tissue in the regions of buttocks, abdomen, and breasts and suffers from deficient metabolism and energy. It affects longevity. It causes shortening of life-span, hampered movements, debility, foul smell of body, excessive sweating, excess hunger and thirst.
Ayurvedic Management of Obesity
Elimination of cause is the first line of management of Obesity. Samshodhana therapy (detoxification of body) is highly recommended for obese patients. Bahya Shodhan (External detoxification) i.e. Ruksha Udvartana (Dry powder massage) and RukshaKutiSweda (dry fomentation) along with Abhyantar Shodhan/Panchakarma (Internal detoxification) i.e. Vamana (Medicated Emesis), Virechana (Medicated Purgation), Ruksha, Ushna, Tikta Basti (Enema containing dry, hot and bitter drugs) and LekhanBasti are highly effective in reducing weight in obese patients.
Shaman Chikitsa (internal medicine) for obese patients includes langhan (fasting), Amapachan (digestive medicines to augment fat metabolism), use of herbs such as Guggulu, Musta, Vrikshamla and classical Ayurvedic medicines such as Medohar guggulu, Aarogyavardhini etc. are very common recommendations. But this being a multi factorial disease, a very close watch on stress reduction, dietary habits and exercise has to be kept.
Since more than 3 decades, Dr. Kohli has been effectively treating hundreds of patients suffering from obesity. It has been observed that with the help of diet, exercise, Panchakarma treatment and Ayurvedic medicines, obese patients are able to reduce their weight. Once weight is reduced sustenance of reduced weight is a major issue in obese patients. Yearly Panchakarma treatments along with Ayurvedic medicines significantly help maintain reduced weight in obese patients. Dr Kohli's team has devised treatments which have the capacity to reduce 3-5 kg of weight in obese patients in a month. This has to be kept in mind that adhering to all rules of the game can reduce weight better.